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4 Ways To Monetize Twitter!

By April 21, 2009June 29th, 20094 Comments

Twitter is a social network which simply asks the question, “What are you doing?” And you reply in 140 characters or less by mobile texting, instant message, or the web. It okay if you’re still new to this Twitter “thing”, you’re not alone. 26% of the U.S. population don’t even know what Twitter is yet. Hopefully after this post, we’ll change your mind.


Simliar to Magpie below, RevTwt posts Advertisting links into your tweets. Unlike Magpie, the tweet are paid per click, not pay per view. Many people turn off the idea of ads in their timeline, so there maybe a situation where they might unfollow you due to the ads. The rate is from $0.01 to $0.10 per click, while you can cash out to your Paypal account after reaching $20 in your account.

TwittAd uses your Twitter profile page background to place ads. Advertisers use TwittAd’s website listing of Twitter users making their profile available to search for relevant Twitter accounts. Twitter users place information about their Tweets, their bidding place, location, topic. If an advertiser finds a suitable Twitter account, he/she will place a order for that Twitter account. The Twitter account user can choose to accept or deny this offer.

The makers of TwittAd also created What’s your tweet worth? to allow Twitter users to estimate how much their account is worth. This is a great tool as many people either hope for too much money or undercharge, leaving them short-changed. You can cash out to your PayPal account when your account reaches $30.

Josh’s Advice: Use What’s your tweet worth?, but reduce that price by $5, but always have a price below $100 a month. This will increase the chances of you getting an advertiser interested in you as they may think yo

u’re undervaluing your profile, but you actually not. Try to get over 100 followers before adding your profile on the listing, as well. This makes the advertiser more attracted to your profile as there is a larger audience.

Magpie is another advertising solution for Twitter. Magpie, though, tweets adverts instead of using a Twitter’s user background. Many people turn off the idea of ads in their timeline, so there maybe a situation where they might unfollow you due to the ads.
Magpie also pays pretty quite well – with the cost depending on your number of followers – so get more followers first! You can cash out when you reach 50 Euros.
Josh’s Tip: Remove the “#magpie” tag option to hide your Magpie tweets, set your Pre-Approval off, and make it your tweet/ad ratio to 1 tweet/1 ad.

Unlike the other three, Adjix helps you montize your Twitter account by using those shortening URL’s. Those

shortened URL’s contain an iFrame which contains ads. The payouts are quite low compared to the two other service I metioned above. I

only suggest using Adjix if you have a large base of followers, otherwise you’ll find it quite hard to monetize this service. Personally, I don’t actually like this service much.

Do you have any other ideas on how you could monetize Twitter? Comment Below!
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Josh Lam

Hi my name is Josh Lam and I'm from the city-state of Hong Kong. Realizing there was more to explore than this city, my goal is to visit all 193 countries in the world by using a combination of credit card points and airline miles to travel better for less.


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