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How I Made $429.70 By Doing Almost Nothing On Twitter

By June 30, 2009January 7th, 201011 Comments

7th Jan Update: Magpie used to be a great money-maker. But there doesn’t seem to be any advertisers anymore. Visit this blog post comparing 12 Twitter Advertising Networks to join other networks.

Okay, I lied. I didn’t just use Twitter. I signed up for Magpie as well.

So what is Magpie? As many of you know, there’s currently a controversial new Twitter Advertising Company called Magpie, a company located in Germany. Magpie places relevant advert “tweets” which are placed along with your existing tweets. They pay according to 4 different models: pay per view, pay-per-click, pay per lead and pay per sale. Many people don’t like having adverts in

Just like any other Entrepreneurial Teenager would do, I signed up for this service (with a sub account) to experiment with it. At first, the adverts were about Magpie itself, or Magpie’s parent company’s other product called Stock Pilot. And then I discovered they paid an extremely high €20-30 per pay-per-view tweet. You can cash out after you reach €50. Now, simple maths can tell you that with only 2 magpie tweets, you can get up to €50 in your PayPal already! An example of the tweets are shown below.

So you might be asking, I made $429.70 (or €323.90) from something as simple as this? Well, it’s the truth. Check out my PayPal history:

Magpie Payments on PayPal

Not Bad. So that’s all there is to the Magpie program. There’s so little work involved, anyone could earn a few euros with no experience.

I know Twitter  is for real people, and asks the question “What are you doing right now?”, not “What are you advertising right now? “.  But these magpie are actually relevant to your normal tweets, making them less like “advertising”, and sometimes they make it hard for someone to realize if it’s an ad or a real tweet.

Therefore, I’m closing the experiment down. But if you’ll like to experiment with Magpie and prehaps earn a few dollars euros, I suggest you to sign up for Magpie. Who knows, you might even get a few hundreds euros just like me!

Tell me how Magpie worked out for you in the comments! I’ll love to know! 🙂

Josh Lam

Hi my name is Josh Lam and I'm from the city-state of Hong Kong. Realizing there was more to explore than this city, my goal is to visit all 193 countries in the world by using a combination of credit card points and airline miles to travel better for less.


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