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web 2.0 Twitter Scam or Money Maker?

By July 20, 2009April 18th, 201077 Comments
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Once again, there’s another Twitter Advertising Network on the interwebs. Many people think their website looks too scammy to be true. Well, we’re going to find out.
Similar to Magpie, RevTwt advertising are placed as a tweet, which is displayed on your Twitter Profile. There are no disclaimers for the ads, so your followers may find it hard to distinguish between ads and real tweets. Unlike Magpie though, RevTwt pays per click, not per view (a.k.a. Pay-Per-Tweet). This allows the system to be more open to click fraud, like Google AdSense, although their system in place seems to be able to detect fraud pretty well, by looking at RevTwt’s Twitter profile.

Anyways, back to the experiment. In RevTwt, I entered my (test) Twitter account information and set it to automatically post an ad a day. This Twitter account has more than 22,000 followers. I was given the title of an “Elite Twitterer”, since I had over 8,000 followers (Which isn’t hard to do). Being an Elite Twitterer, I was given access to special adverts, wish paid more than the normal adverts. The highest is 20 cents a click, although the wherether the click is counted are based on a per country basis, which is different for each advert.

Simple math can show that if you tweet an advert worth 20 cents per click and get 10 clicks, you’ll get 2 dollars a day. That’s not much, but that amounts to $62 per month, or $744 a year! That $62 could cover your monthly phone bill easily, or it could even pay for a pretty nice meal.

Well here’s my verdict: RevTwt is NOT a Scam.

I’ve made a total of $71.69 from RevTwt so far, but I’m sure I could make even more if I tried even harder, e.g. placing more adverts.


Check my PayPal history below:  🙂

I’m not asking you to buy anything. Nor am I asking you to pay me for this information. But I suggest that you check out RevTwt – it’s one of those money makers that need little no work at all, except you should tweet often (hopefully you already do), and requesting payment (don’t forget to check) once you hit the $20 payment threshold. Done.

Josh Lam

Hi my name is Josh Lam and I'm from the city-state of Hong Kong. Realizing there was more to explore than this city, my goal is to visit all 193 countries in the world by using a combination of credit card points and airline miles to travel better for less.


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